28.11.2013 at 12:00 am

... ケチは、「けちをつける」「けちがつく」の語源と同じく、不吉なことを意味する「怪事(けじ)」が訛って「ケチ」になった。


Translation (Mine)

The etymological basis for ケチ ('kechi') is similar to that of 'kechi ga tsukuru' and 'kechi ga tsuku', in that it is a phonetic corruption from 怪事 (keji), which means ominousness or ominous things, to ケチ ('kechi').

After the Edo era, 'kechi' took on the meaning of 'crudeness, impoverishment', 'lowliness' and the sort, which then led to it taking on its modern meaning.


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Words: 6 words approx.
Time to read: 0.02 mins (at 250 wpm)
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