29.09.2020 at 12:24 pm

Rays of Circumstance

Shining light on circumstantial evidence.

... My Lords, in dealing with circumstantial evidence we have to consider the weight which is to be given to the united force of all the circumstances put together. You may have a ray of light so feeble that by itself it will do little to elucidate a dark corner. But on the other hand you may have a number of rays, each of them insufficient, but all converging and brought to bear upon the same point, and when united, producing a body of illumination which will clear away the darkness which you are endeavouring to dispel.

- Lord Cairns, Belhaven & Stenton Peerage
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Words: 8 words approx.
Time to read: 0.03 mins (at 250 wpm)
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