16.12.2024 at 02:42 pm

Vim As A Language

The text-shaping language of/among editors.

... I think Vim at its core is something else: It's a language to talk to your computer.

...The more you use Vim, the more its grammar and structure becomes clear, it's pretty simple: verb adjective object, that's it. Sometimes you may add a count before the verb - simple.

Its simplicity means it's a) not too hard to remember for a person, but also b) great for a computer to interpret, compared with for example English which is verbose, has many special cases and many ways to express the same thing.

Vim is an efficient language to tell your editor what to do.

Now with all this, what then is the (Neo)vim editor? It's the most complete, consistent implementation of the Vim language.

I love the central idea: that Vim is beyond the editor itself.

That it's a language, with which to shape text through efficient finger motions.

I've worked for many hours in Vim. I enjoy it both in its vanilla form and by its permutations in other editors (NeoVintageous in Sublime Text and IdeaVim in the Jetbrain IDEs).

I've not taken to Neovim yet; I quite like 'standard' Vim, and keeping things basic with a standard .vimrc file. If I need full-blown debugging, linting, testing, refactoring support and all else, I have IDEs for that.

Source: What is Vim?
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Words: 103 words approx.
Time to read: 0.41 mins (at 250 wpm)
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